JBugs Video Series

Channel Update - What to look for in 2020:

Video Overview:

Well, 2020 has arrived! We've spent way to much time in the office and not enough time back in our workshop lately. We plan on changing that and have a few videos planned so keep an eye out for some new releases. Thanks for your patience and Happy New Year!

Video Transcript:

Hi guys, welcome back!
Sorry we've been away for so long, we've been back in our offices working some other projects.
But now that we are through those, we're going to go ahead and get started on getting back here in the shop and making some more videos.
It's gonna start by reassembling our 1800 CC long block. 
We've got all of our engine tin back from the paint shop. Now, that we've got our color picked out and we like it, we're going to get started on the car as well.
We're also going to be disassembling a 1971 euro look Super Beetle 
so that we can get it over to the paint shop. Hopefully by the end of the year, we'll have this thing painted and ready to be assembled.
We'll also be installing an aftermarket engine tin and showing how to get it fit properly. 
As well as an aftermarket wiring harness that comes with an up-to-date modern fuse box.
Keep an eye out for those videos in the year to come.