PerTronix Distributor with Ignitor 1 Ignition Module - 12 Volt

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Pertronix 009 Style Distributor with Electronic Ignition Module

  • 009 Style, Centrifugal Advance Distributor
  • Modern Hall Effect Ignition Module
  • Faster starts, consistent performance, and fuel economy
  • Uses stock VW replacement cap and rotor
  • Eliminates the hassle of points and a condenser
  • A coil with 3 to 4.2 ohms of resistance is required

The Pertronix Flame Thrower Distributor with Ignitor 1 Electronic Ignition Module can be used on all VW Type 1,2 & 3 carbureted engines. The Flame Thrower performance description has all of the great aspects of the popular Bosch 009 and 050 distributors. The Ignitor Ignition module inside the flame thrower distributor ensures fast starts, better performance, better fuel economy, and it eliminates the points and condenser.

PerTronix Flame Thrower Distributor with Ignitor Electronic Ignition Features:

  • Custom Mechanical Advance curve for great drive-ability and performance
  • Mechanical Advance for higher RPM performance
  • Bosch Style Replacement Cap & Rotor so no need for specialty Tune-Up parts
  • More voltage to your spark plugs for longer spark plug life
  • More horsepower and better fuel economy
  • No moving parts to wear out
  • Sealed for protection against dirt, oil, grease and moisture
  • Stable timing for a "set it and forget it" ignition timing adjustment

A coil with 3 to 4.2 ohms of resistance is required with the Pertronix Ignitor Ignition Module. Pertronix recommends the 40611 or PT40501 coil, available separately or in the Additional Options tab above.

Note, Suppression or Spiral wound spark plug wires must be used with the Ignitor, solid core plug wires will cause electronic interference

Please note: this distributor will not work with fuel injected engines.

JBugs staff member Sam.

Our Expert's Take:

The PerTronix ignition module replaces the old points and condensor with a Hall Effect ignition triggering system that has no wearing parts, and if installed properly and used with an appropriate coil will last for hundreds of thousands of miles. Installing the module is simple, just make sure to not hook up the wires backwards as doing so will fry the module instantly. See the "Tech Tips" tab for more information.

Unless you have a tachometer (gauge), the distributor should be the only item connected to the negative (“1” or “-“) side of the ignition coil.

Distributor with Points

Distributor Diagram for Points

If your distributor only has one (most commonly green) wire, it has points and a condenser. Connect the wire from the condenser to the negative side of the coil.

Distributor with Electronic Ignition

Distributor Diagram for Electronic Ignition

If your distributor only has two wires (most commonly a black and a red wire) it has an electronic ignition. Connect the black wire from the electronic ignition to the negative side of the coil. The red wire from the electronic ignition will connect to the positive side (“15” or “+“) of the coil. Most importantly - the coil will have other black wires on the positive side which are “key hot” wires. It may look odd, but hooking up the black wire from the electronic ignition with the other black wires on the positive side of the coil will fry the electronic points.

(Note, the negative connection on the coil should never be connected to ground. Doing so will ground out the coil and it will not operate.)

California Prop 65 Warning: Cancer and Reproductive Harm
Please Note:The information listed below is for stock, unmodified VW's manufactured for sale in the US. VW's are commonly modified and very often parts from another year VW may have been installed on your car. California Pacific JBugs is not responsible for any errors if your car has been modified in any way.
VW Beetle
1954 - 1977
1954 - 1963
1964 - 1977
1954 - 1970
VW Super Beetle
1971 - 1975
1971 - 1979
VW Karmann Ghia
1956 - 1974
1957 - 1974
VW Type II (Bus)
1955 - 1979
Single Cab
1955 - 1979
Double Cab
1958 - 1979
1981 - 1982
VW Type 3
1962 - 1973
1962 - 1973
1966 - 1973
VW Thing
1973 - 1974
Before removing your old distributor pull the cap and rotate the engine to line up the rotor to cylinder #1. Remove the old distributor and install the new one. The new distributor will now be lined up to cylinder #1, keep in mind that it may not point to the same place as the old one. Regardless, it is at #1, note the position and install the plug wires as normal, 1-4-3-2.

The electronic igntion module has 2 wires, a red and a black. The black wire installs to the negative (- or "1") side of the coil, where the green wire from the condensor connects. The red wire connects to the positive (+ or "15") side of the coil. Do not install the wires backwards as doing so will fry the module instantly. We can't tell you how many times people install the wiring backwards. The reason being is that VW uses a black wire for the positive feed, people see the black VW wire on the coil and connect the black wire to the positive side, and the red wire to the negative side. Then they try and start the car and wonder why the engine won't. The answer is simple, it was installed backwards and it is now fried. Pay attention to the terminals on the coil!

The PerTronix Ignitor 1 module must be used with a coil that has 3 to 4.2 ohms of resistance . It may work with other coils for a bit, but will fry eventually. If you aren't sure if your coil is compatible, search for our part # 40611 or PT40501. Either coil is made specifically for the Ignitor 1 module.

A final word, just like with points, do not leave the ignition on if the engine is not running. The ignition module will overheat and fry, just like your points would fry. If you have to have the key on to the ignition position while the engine is not running, remove the power wire from the coil. Just make sure it doesn't arc out on anything in the engine compartment and make sure to reconnect it when you're done!


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Rated 4.571429/5.0 based on 42 customer reviews
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